Ok, so this is about date formats ... a topic that everybody has a specifc opinion on, especially, what ''the correct format'' for a date would look like.
The truth however is: there are a lot of different subjective truths about what ''the correct date'' format is ... depending on your country and culture and there is NO one international rule for date formatting.
There are international standards however.
In details we are displaying dates according to ISO 8601.
So dates are generally formatted yyyy-mm-dd.
This is not a bug, it is intentional.
Also it´s the only format that avoids confusion between months and days, for example: 2016-11-08
... you will intuitiv understand that this is the 8th of November 2016 and not the 11th of August. A mistake commonly made in communication between american and european people.
HOWEVER in DETAILS we have variables that allow to localize the date format in your TEMPLATES (for contracts, itineraries, etc.).
For the start date of a BOOKINGS we have the following variables available:
[% ph.date_start %] => Mon 2016-11-08
[% ph.startdate_dd %] => 08
[% ph.startdate_mm %] => 11
[% ph.startdate_yyyy %] => 2016
[% ph.startdate_day("en") %] => Monday
[% ph.startdate_day("de") %] => Montag
[% ph.startdate_day("fr") %] => Lundi
[% ph.startdate_day("es") %] => Lunes
[% ph.startdate_day("pt") %] => Segunda-Feira
[% ph.startdate_month("en") %] => November
[% ph.startdate_month("de") %] => November
[% ph.startdate_month("fr") %] => Novembre
[% ph.startdate_month("es") %] => Noviembre
[% ph.startdate_month("pt") %] => Novembro
For the creation date of a document the variables are
[% ph.print_date %] => 2016-11-08
[% ph.printdate_dd %] => 08
[% ph.printdate_dd %] => 11
[% ph.printdate_dd %] => 2016
[% ph.printdate_mm("en") %] => November
[% ph.printdate_mm("de") %] => November
[% ph.printdate_mm("fr") %] => Novembre
[% ph.printdate_mm("es") %] => Noviembre
[% ph.printdate_mm("pt") %] => Novembro
We also have variables for Hotel start- and end-dates when needed.
Also there are variables for due dates of artist and booking fees available.
If you want to calculate dates depending on another date in your template, check this example for Event Day plus 1 day[% USE date; %]
[% new_startdate = date.calc.Add_Delta_Days( ph.startdate_yyyy, ph.startdate_mm, ph.startdate_dd, 1) %]
[% new_startdate.2 %].[% new_startdate.1 %].[% new_startdate.0 %]
In the first line, we announce to use a pre-defined date module.
In Second line we add "1" to our date variables.
And in third line we display the calculated date (Event Date + 1 day)
Alternativly here is the date plus 2 days in the format "Fri 23. April 2017"[% USE date; %]
[% startdate_plus2 = date.calc.Add_Delta_Days( ph.startdate_yyyy, ph.startdate_mm, ph.startdate_dd, 2) %]
[% date.format( startdate_plus2, '%a') %], [% startdate_plus2.2 %]. [% date.format( startdate_plus2, '%B') %] [% startdate_plus2.0 %]
[% USE date; date.format( startdate_plus2, '%a, %Y-%m %d’) %]
Other available results of the DATE function are%a for day name
%Y for full year
%y for small year like 16
%m for month
%b for month full name
%B for month short name
%d for date
%H for hour
%s for second
%M for minute
As for INVOICES it is also possible to customize the INVOICE DATE format displayed on invoices in specific languages.
Please let us know what formats you'd like (per language) and it will be custom programmed and billable at standard rate.