This article will show you how to create ARTIST APP links for your artists, tour-managers or yourself.
You can create as many links as you need. There is no additional cost involved for anyone.
Links are created "on the fly". They are NOT SAVED anywhere in the system.
So whatever link you create and send out, will work ... unless you change the username and passwords!
This is how you create links to the App:
Go to BOOKING - ARTISTS, select an artist and go to the ARTIST APP tab
1) first create a username and password.
NOTE: Adding username and password is IMPORTANT, even though you do NOT need to be send to the artist!
This is how it works: Each link has that information encoded in the link, because having to remind people of passwords is not fun at all for you. Now if you change the password the app will no longer work with the old link since the old link has the old password in it. So whenever you need to block the access to the people that received this link, just change the password.
NOTE: Everytime you change username or password ALL OLD LINKS will stop to work. Maybe you need to send out new links to certain people.
2) then choose what Booking Status you want the other person to see (confirmed, cancelled..etc)
3) after that select what Optional Sections you want give access to
* MONEY SECTION will allow the artist to see all infos in regards to artist fees, booking fees, deposits, etc.
* PROMOTER SECTION will allow the artist to see promoter address and communication infos
* DOCUMENT SECTION will display documents available for download for selected artist
* FEEDBACK SECTION will display a section where artists can submit comments about their bookings. The Feedback will be submitted to the responsible agent via email.
* GUESTLIST SECTION will display a section where artists can submit guestlist names. The Feedback will be submitted to the responsible agent via email.
4) click on Create Artist App Web Link to get the final link and send it to the recepient via email.