If you cannot log In to your Details account, please check these possible situations:
* that you are trying to Log In through the correct link: http://www.detailsdetails.eu/youraccountsname/index.pl (if the links redirects to other link such us: /LOGIN, you need to copy-paste it again in the browser)
* your password is not longer that 32 characters and has no special characters ( *, ¨)
* using FIREFOX last version
* not using a mobile device to connect to the internet, but a proper DSL wifi 2) clean the cache and reload details with SHIFT + APPLE + R 3)
If you still can't access your account, then you may need to check these last 3 options:
a) it could be some cookie blocking: check cookies in Firefox / Preferences / PRIVACY tab
b) allow pop ups for our website: check Firefox preferences - content
c) it could also a Firefox plugin / extension / add-ons causing the problem. To access the Extensions press: SHIFT + APPLE + A and deactivate all extensions, or go to: Firefox - Tools.